How to Get Squarespace Email Campaigns New Subscriber Notifications

New Squarespace Email Subscriber Reports in 2025

Great News! Squarespace now sends weekly email subscriber reports when there has been any change to your subscriber count! This means you will get a weekly email if you have any new subscribers or any unsubscribes. If there are no changes, you won’t get an email.  (You can read more about the subscriber reports here in the Squarespace Help Center).

Here’s what the new email subscriber report looks like:

Squarespace E-Mail Subscriber Report Screen Shot

You will also find a new segment under Contacts > Lists & Segments called “New Subscribers” to help you quickly see who your new subscribers are.

Screen shot of the lists & segments screen in Squarespace

Before 2025, there was no way to get new subscriber notifications from Squarespace so you had to go through the complicated steps below.  If you want “real time” notifications (vs weekly updates), keep reading because that is what the rest of this post covers!

How to Get Real Time Email Campaigns New Subscriber Notifications

Squarespace will not notify you immediately when someone new joins your Squarespace Campaigns email list, but there are two workarounds you can use to get “real-time” notifications when you get a new subscriber:

  1. You can connect your Squarespace newsletter block to Zapier and set up a “Zap” to send you an email when someone subscribes.

  2. You can connect your Squarespace newsletter block to Google Sheets which will create an entry in a Google Sheet every time a new subscriber is added. Then you can set up notifications in the Google Sheet to get an email notification when a new entry is added to the sheet.

For some reason, Squarespace only mentions the Google Sheets method in its help documentation and the high-level instructions are missing a vital step to get those notifications to work!

But don’t worry, I got you! I will explain how each method works and fill you in on the missing step.

Here is the TL;DR on the two methods:

  • The Zapier method is a little more straight forward and you can include more information in the notification emails BUT you will have to learn a new tool if you don’t already use Zapier.

  • The Google Sheet method uses a tool you may be more familiar with, BUT you will need TWO Google Accounts to make this work (this is the missing step!) and the notification emails you receive are generic so you have to click through to see who subscribed (if you care).

Using Zapier to get Squarespace Email Campaigns Subscriber Notifications

Zapier is a workflow automation tool that connects different apps so you can have an action in one app trigger an action in another app. For example, you could create an automation (called a Zap) that creates a task in on your To-Do list (in Google, Notion, Asana, ToDoist…) when someone fills out a contact form on your website.  Or you could create a Zap to send you an email every time someone fills out your newsletter sign-up form!

You can use Zapier for FREE for up to 100 “tasks” per month.  Every time Zapier sends you an email telling you that you have a new Squarespace newsletter subscriber, that counts as one “task”.  If you are only using Zapier for this purpose, and you don’t have more than 100 people joining your email list every month, you can stick with a free account. (If you have more than 100 people joining your list every month, you might not want an email every time someone signs up!)

It's very intuitive to use Zapier. I used it for the first time JUST to see how these notifications would work and it was very easy to set up.

Steps to get Squarespace Campaigns sign-up notifications through Zapier:

  1. Create a FREE Zapier account

  2. Tell Zapier what you want to automate. I used the AI bot and entered “Send me an email when someone signs up for my Squarespace Newsletter”

    • Zapier will propose an automation with two steps (1) New Squarespace Form Submission (2) Send Outbound Email

    • Click Try It to set up the automation

  3. Connect Zapier to Squarespace. This will be the first thing Zapier asks you to do and it will guide you through it (and here are the Squarespace instructions)

    • You will have to log in to Squarespace and generate an API Key

    • This has moved so the Zapier screen may not have the right location.  At the time I am writing this it is under Settings > Developer Tools > Developer API Keys

    • You will have to generate a key with forms permission, give the API Key a name (I called mine “Zapier”), copy the API Key, and paste it into Zapier

  4. Set up and Test the Zap - Zapier will walk you through the steps (it’s easy!)

    • You will connect this Zap to only ONE newsletter block on your website so if you have multiple newsletter blocks, you need to set up a Zap for each one (Remember to give your newsletter blocks clear names so you know which one is which!)

    • You can customize the email Zapier will send to include the newsletter block name and information from the sign-up form (name, email address) in the email subject and/or body and have the email sent to as many email addresses as you want!

  5. Connect the Squarespace Newsletter Block to Zapier - Storage tab > OTHER Storage options > connect to Zapier

  6. Test it out! Sign up for your newsletter using an email that’s not already on your list. (Alternate g-mail addresses are great for this!)


Using Google Sheets to get Squarespace Email Campaigns Subscriber Notifications

You need to use TWO Google accounts to make this notification method work, which is not explicitly stated in the Squarespace help documentation.  If you tried this yourself, you may have been frustrated when it didn’t work with one account. (And that might be what led you here to my blog….welcome!)

Why do you need two Google accounts?

  • When you connect a Squarespace Newsletter Block to a Google Account it will create a Google Sheet that is OWNED by the Google Account you connected to Squarespace

  • When Squarespace makes changes to that Google Sheet, Google thinks the OWNER of the sheet is making those changes

  • When the owner of a Google Sheet makes changes to its own sheet, no notifications are sent, even if notifications are turned on.  (This makes complete sense in any OTHER context because who wants to get emails for every change they make to their own spreadsheet!)

  • So…the only way to receive notifications is to SHARE that Google Sheet with a SECOND Google Account and the SECOND account has to turn on notifications so it gets an email every time a change(new entry) is made by the OWNER account (via Squarespace).

Steps to get Squarespace Campaigns new subscriber notifications through Google Sheets:

  1. Connect your Squarespace Newsletter Block to Google Drive - Storage tab > OTHER Storage options > connect to Google Drive

  2. Select a Google Account that will be the OWNER of the spreadsheet (I used my business Google Account. This does NOT have to be the same account you use to log in to Squarespace, FYI) and follow the instructions to connect your Squarespace and Google accounts

  3. Enter a name for the spreadsheet where the new subscribers will be entered

    • When you click “Back” the spreadsheet will be created on your Google Drive

  4. Repeat these steps for EACH newsletter block you have on your website. If you want to use the same Google Sheet for every newsletter block, you can enter the same Google Sheet name and Squarespace will know to connect the newsletter block to the existing sheet with that name and not create a new one.

  5. Share the Google Sheet with a SECOND Google Account (I used my personal Google Account)

    • Open the Google Sheet with the SECOND Google Account and turn on notifications (Tools > Notification Settings > Edit Notifications).

    • Select to be Notified when….“Any changes are made” and Notify me with… “Email-right away”

  6. Test it out! Sign up for your newsletter using an email that’s not already on your list. (Alternate g-mail addresses are great for this!)

    • The email you get will just say a change has been made but will include a link to see the changes which will highlight the e-mail address that was added when you click through

I happen to have TWO Google Accounts that I use regularly, one for business and one for personal.  If you only have one Google Account, you can go the Zapier route or decide whether or not it’s worth setting up a second account.

The Net Net

Squarespace Email Campaigns is a great tool if you are just starting to send email newsletters and you have a Squarespace Website. As of 2025, Squarespace will send you a weekly email that summarizes changes to your subscriber list and if you want real time updates there are workarounds.

Both the Zapier and Google Sheets notification workarounds can be set up easily (for free!) so you can get real time new subscriber notifications if you want them. Either way you can do the happy dance when new sign-ups come through!

And if you want to do the happy dance together, you can sign up for MY email list below (no pressure)!


How to Share Affiliate Links on Your Squarespace Website